How to create a website glossary?

Konigle Customer Success

Ensuring customers' journeys are successful on Konigle

How to create a website glossary?

When browsing the internet, you may come across various technical terms or jargon that are unfamiliar to you. Understanding these terms is essential for navigating websites and comprehending their content effectively. This is where a website glossary comes in handy.

Website glossary examples

If you're wondering how does a glossary look like, here are some examples of a good glossary website pages:

Website glossary on
Website glossary on

How to create glossary for website?

Is populating terms for your website glossary time-consuming? Here are two solutions Konigle have for you.

Method 1: Konigle's Keyword Tool

Identify Key Terms

Identify the key terms you want to include, typically specific to your website's niche or industry. Consider the terms that your audience may be unfamiliar with or those that have multiple interpretations.

1. After writing your content, use the Keyword tool to extract plausible keywords based on your content.

Keyword tool available on Konigle

2. Filter through the extracted keywords and deselect less relevant keywords. Click Insert and save to automatically generate them as Glossary terms.

Keyword extraction feature Konigle website builder

3. With this tool, you can generate multiple keywords with just one click. These keywords are even back-linked to your article!

Method 2: Manual Addition

1. From your Konigle admin, select the website you wish to edit and go to Glossary to create a new glossary term manually.

Accessing the Glossary folder
Creating new glossary terms with Konigle website builder
Creating a glossary term manually

2. Enter a Glossary title and create.

Adding a name for the new glossary term

3. Make use of AI to generate content by clicking on generate.

GPT-like content generation feature on Konigle website builder

4. Provide information on what content is to be generated, click generate for AI to start writing.

Type in a prompt that describes the glossary term

5. Save to insert the generated content into the body.

Save the generated content

To make the glossary easily accessible, link each term within your website's content to its corresponding definition in the glossary. This allows users to quickly access the definition without navigating away from the page they are on.

If you have generated keywords the ‘Konigle’ way with our Keyword tool, your glossary terms would have already been back-linked to your blog. How convenient!

Implementing the Glossary on your website

When formatting your glossary, organize it in a user-friendly manner. To create a website glossary, you will usually need to install additional plug-ins on website builders like WordPress. Or add new sections and elements for the glossary on

These are not needed for websites built on Konigle as every website comes with a Blog and Glossary and both can be easily unpublished if not required.

Accessing Glossary folder details
Toggle to publish/unpublish the folder to hide/show on your website

Keep it Updated

A website glossary should be a dynamic document that evolves along with your website's content. It is important to regularly review and update your glossary to maintain its accuracy and relevance. You should consider adding new terms as your website expands and removing obsolete terms that are no longer applicable.

Here's a video guide on how to create a Website Glossary on your website built with Konigle:

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What is a website glossary?

A website glossary is a collection of definitions for terms specific to that website's content or industry. It serves as an in-house dictionary, helping users understand specialised language and enhancing their overall experience.

Why is glossary important?

If you're wondering “Should my website have a glossary?”, here are 2 reasons why you should have a website glossary:

1. They provide clear definitions for specific terms, ensuring everyone is on the same page. This is especially crucial for technical fields or websites using jargon unfamiliar to their audience.

2. Glossaries make navigating and understanding the website's content easier. This fosters a smoother user experience and keeps visitors engaged.


Konigle Customer Success

Ensuring customers' journeys are successful on Konigle

As subject matter experts of the Konigle website builder, every single customer's journey on Konigle is supported by the CS team so as to ensure success.


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